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Don’t Bottle It: Use Our Expert Wine Cellar Maintenance Services Today

There’s a huge sense of achievement to be had from building up a collection of something special. From acquiring your first artwork to having a whole house filled with paintings and sculptures, or from being gifted a family heirloom to passing down a piece of jewellery to your own children – there’s such meaning, memory and value behind curating collections.

The same goes for a wine collection – receiving a special vintage for a wedding present, or discovering your favourite grape on a holiday abroad. Whatever the situation, we know better than anyone how you want to protect these valuable assets.

Expert knowledge

Wine collecting takes great skill and knowledge, and so does looking after it – which is where Bold & Reeves step in. Our specialist wine cellar maintenance services, ensure that you have the optimal temperature, environment and conditions for your wine cellar, wall or cabinet. We have curated a little black book of contractors, or partners, with expert knowledge across property maintenance and specific systems, which includes wine cellar maintenance.

Consistent monitoring

It is vital that you keep tabs on the storage environment for your wine or else it can affect the ageing process or quality of the wine. Sudden fluctuations in temperature can irreversibly damage wine, so a stable and reliable atmosphere and temperature should be maintained at all times. As well as this, it’s important to maintain the right level of moisture. If the atmosphere is too dry, it will cause the corks to dry out and ‘cork’ the wine.

Through our ground-breaking tech platform and remote monitoring solutions, we can consistently monitor your wine storage facilities and immediately correct a problem should we notice any drastic changes in temperature. We provide regular servicing, maintenance and repair so that you can enjoy a relaxing glass of wine just the way you want it. What’s more, we can sort out problems even when you are not at home and ensure that your wine storage facilities are up and running at a moment’s notice.

Not just wine cellar maintenance

Not only do we provide wine cellar maintenance, we also advise on the right tech solutions to store your wine collections and can provide help and advice during the design and installation process.

For more information, please get in touch with your personal property manager or email Henry Browne: